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How To Setup PHPStorm for Magento Development

PHPStorm from JetBrains


Go buy this extension and install it.


It's $32 so the first time you use it to automatically build a Module Stub you'll have saved yourself 15-20 minutes and you'll have covered the cost.

Line Sepator

Hit CTRL-ALT-s to bring up the settings menu.

Navigate to: Editor > Code Style : General

Line separator => Unix and macOS (\n)

Line Separator

2. PSR-1 / PSR-2

Hit CTRL-ALT-s to bring up the settings menu.

Navigate to: Editor > Code Style > PHP

Click "Set from..." on the top right.


Choose "PSR1/PSR2" from the drop down menu.


Hit CTRL-ALT-s to bring up the settings menu.

Navigate to: Languages & Frameworks > PHP

Set your PHP Language level

Set Language level

Click the "..." next to CLI Interpreter

CLI interpreter

Click "+" to add a new binary

Add new binary

Choose where ever your PHP executable is located

PHP executable location

Hit OK


This step requires PHP and composer installed so you don't meet those criteria go do that now.

Install via composer:

composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"

Clone the Magento Coding Standard repo to your computer somewhere.

git clone

Add the Magento Coding Standard sniffs to php_codsniffer

phpcs --config-set installed_paths F:\magento-coding-standard\

Note here the path that is specified above is where you cloned the Magento Coding Standard repo to.

Verify that phpcs has the sniffs

phpcs -i

command output

Hit CTRL-ALT-s to bring up the settings menu.

Navigate to: Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Quality Tools

Expand PHP_CodeSniffer

CodeSniffer configuration

Click "..." to choose a preset standard

Standards chooser

Choose the phpcs executable in for the path

Set executable path

In Windows 10 for me it was: C:\Users\Will\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin\phpcs.bat

Click "Validate" and you should get a success message

Validation success message

Navigate to: Editor > Inspections

Search for: "quality tools"

Search input

Choose: PHP_CodeSniffer validation

Click the checkbox such that it's enabled

Checkbox location

Choose a "Severity" and a "Warning" level. I like "Weak Warning"

Severtiy chooser

Check "Show sniff name"

show sniff name toggle

In the drop down list for "Coding standard" choose "Magento2"

Standards picker

Click "Apply"